Two papers were recently published. First, our review in EMBO Journal on the links between RNA silencing and endomembranes. Second, our work in collaboration with the Geldner lab on how the lateral root primordium interacts with the overlying endodermis, was published in Science.
Author: alexis
Workshop on tissue mechanics and growth
Alexis went to the Curie Institute in Paris to present our work on plant organ morphogenesis during the Workshop on tissue mechanics and growth.
Getting in Shape: Santander Summer School in Chile
Amaya and Alexis travelled to Santiago de Chile to animate and present our work during the first Santander summer school on Visualization and Manipulation of Organismal Morphogenesis. It was an amazing event with great students from all around the world and exceptional speakers.
6th International PhD School "Plant Development"
Amaya presented her work during the 6th International PhD School on Plant Development in Retzbach.
Building Beauty: COS Symposium 2013
We organised the 3rd international COS symposium with this year a focus on morphogenesis.
New lab members!
We warmly welcome Eva Stauffer and Amaya Vilches-Barro who recently joined the lab.
Symposium on Evolution of Morphogenesis
Together with Steffen Lemke, we organised a symposium on the evolution of Morphogenesis during the Joint Meeting of the German Societies for Cell and Developmental Biology.