Our joint work with the Vaucheret lab showing that decapping prevents endogenous mRNA to enter silencing and therefore producing rogue siRNAs has just been published. And it is Open Access (Martinez et al. NAR 2015)
Support for the lab!
Starting in 2015, the lab will be supported by a generous grant from the Boehringer Ingelheim Foundation.
Link to the foundation web page and to the university press release.
9th Tri-National Arabidopsis Meeting
The lab is actively organizing and participating to TNAM2014 which will be hosted in the prestigious historical building of the University. We are all very excited by an amazing line up of speakers and a great poster session (don’t miss Amaya and Mouli’s posters!).
Coordinating Cell Polarity workshop
Amaya represented the lab in West Sussex (UK) for the “Coordinating Cell Polarity” workshop.
Workshop on Plants Growth and Modeling
Alexis went to Montpellier to present the lab work on lateral root morphogenesis during the Plants Growth and Modeling meeting.