Jazmin and Alexis spent 2 weeks in Nagoya for the EMBO course on Functional Live Imaging of Plants. Lectures in the morning, practical (incl. Light sheet microscopy) in the afternoon and data analysis in the evening; quite a program.
Jazmin and Alexis spent 2 weeks in Nagoya for the EMBO course on Functional Live Imaging of Plants. Lectures in the morning, practical (incl. Light sheet microscopy) in the afternoon and data analysis in the evening; quite a program.
Our joint effort with the de Smet lab to understand the role of the Cell wall remodelling enzyme EXPANSIN-A1 in lateral root initiation has now been published in PNAS!
Amaya’s paper on the dynamics of the microtubules and actin cytoskeletons during lateral root formation has now been published in Current Biology. Congrats Amaya.
Marcel Piepers joined the lab for a Msc rotation. Marcel is coming from Wageningen.
Amaya’s work on Actin and Microtubule dynamics during lateral root initiation is available as a pre-print.
Very happy of this first joint effort with the Vermeer lab in Zürich. More to come!
Marion had a full program for the 3rd conference of the European Network of Bioimage analysts: invited talk & hands on session!
A whole week program in Luxembourg at the beginning of February.
Mouli’s and Andrea manuscript on the control of miR390 expression by ARF5/MP is now published in Plant Direct.
On the menu this year: burgers & lemonade.
More original and comfy than Glühwein and Bratwurst on the Christmas market 😉
Our Max Maximus 😉 , prince of TOR has brilliantly defended his Msc thesis entitled “Involvement of Target of Rapamycin (TOR) in
Indole-3-acetic acid-inducible Lateral Root Formation in Arabidopsis thaliana”. Congrats!
Marion Louveaux was invited to present her results at the SPAOM2018 [Spanish Portuguese Meeting for Advanced Optical Microscopy] in Granada (Spain) end of october. Congratulations!